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The Beginning 起源

The story of Coffee Justice begins with a trip to Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa. In April 2016, Ken met porter Pac and his coffee farming family on the hiking trail. The Pac family lived in hardship and lack of hot tap water or electricity, but still, they were contented with what they have and treated this stranger as a friend. Ken wanted to do something for them. How to use a sustainable and effective way to help his farmer friends who suffered from exploitation? How to help his farmer friend gain fair pay for their hard work instead of short-term financial help?

珈啡公義的故事,源於發起人黃一龐(Ken) 一次攀登非洲最高山峰 — 乞力馬札羅(Kilimanjaro)的遊歷。2016年4月,他在登山路上認識了同行挑夫Pac與他的珈啡農一家,Pac一家活於艱苦匱乏之中,既無自來水亦無電,卻仍樂天知命,無私地招待這位素未謀面的朋友住下來。於是Ken開始思考除了突兀地以有限金錢禮尚往來之外,如何用持續可行的方法回報一直被剥削欺壓的珈啡農民,讓他們用艱辛栽種的珈啡豆換取真正公平的勞動成果?

Return to Africa 回到非洲 

In December 2016, Ken set off again for a complete investigation in Tanzania. He met with local farmers, cooperatives, licensing offices, government departments, and agencies. Many so-called fair trades do not benefit farmers. The fair-trade label is used as a marketing tool for a higher profit. Products are sold at high prices with the benefit of fair-trade labels, while farmers earn less than one percent of the selling price. The farmer's livelihood What is more serious is that shameless people force farmers to borrow a huge loan, hence some farmers took their lives due to their inability to repay loans.


Establishment 正式成立 

In 2017, Ken officially launched a farmer rebate program called Tanzania Dream Project (TDP) and established Coffee Justice in Hong Kong. We buy coffee beans from farmers and offer them a fair price plus about 10% additional returns to farmers or their family members for their dedication and hard work. We assist farmers in fulfilling their dreams in terms of fair returns, production tool supply, and education assistance. The local government's policies have been changing in the past few years, but we still visit our farmer friends and children in Africa regularly to ensure that they receive what they deserve.

Coffee Justice stays true to our intention - Our coffee beans can be cultivated with sweat but not with blood!

2017年Ken正式展開名為Tanzania Dream Project (TDP)的農民回報計劃,並在香港成立珈啡公義。向農民購買珈啡豆,給予辛苦種植珈啡豆的農民公平價格之外,另加約10%給農民或其家人,從公平回報、生產工具和助學三方面,協助農民完成他們的夢想,回報社區。雖然當地政府政策在幾年間不斷改變,但我們仍堅持定期回非洲探望農民及受助小朋友,確保他們得到應有的回報。


Local Mission 本土使命 

In addition to helping African farmers get fair rewards, Coffee Justice also has an important mission: planting the seeds of justice in Hong Kong.

We transport the green beans back to Hong Kong for roasting. We pass on roasting skills and passion to local young people and grassroots and share farmer's story to them. Together we continue the Tanzanian coffee dream and build up a Made-in-Hong Kong brand.



Our Obligation 應盡之義 

Since its establishment in 2017, Coffee Justice has been hiring local youngsters. From graphic design, marketing to production – we have been working closely with local young talents. Even Hongkongers face adversity, Coffee Justice sticks to its principle – We use actions to fulfill the obligation to justice based on a humanitarian standpoint. We do what is right as a Hong Kong brand.


In January 2020, at the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19, there was a serious shortage of masks in Hong Kong. Speculation rose and lives were at risk. Coffee Justice immediately sourced masks from Japan and other places and gave out a total of 10,000 more masks for free to medical staff, cleaners, and grassroots. Later, we organized logistics to deliver the masks to the doors of chronic patients or single elderly as a contribution to the local community. We believe we need to do justly and love mercy anytime and anywhere.


In the same year, Coffee Justice introduced black and white T-shirts from India to help more than 300 Kolkata girls, so that the girls can be taken care of, avoiding being bullied and sold as sex slaves (sex trafficking). We expand justice acts from Hong Kong and Africa to India.

同年,我們引入印度黑白T恤,幫助超過300名加爾各答女孩,讓她們得到照顧及有正常工作,免被欺凌及被販賣作性奴(sex trafficking),將公義進一步由香港及非洲擴展至印度。 

“O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” Micah 6:8

We believe, walking with the oppressed is the most earnest walk with God.


We sincerely invite you to promote ethical consumption together and change the world with a cup of coffee every day.


Thank you for your support!

Coffee Justice 珈啡公義 

Contacts 聯絡方法

Facebook inbox / MeWe

Signal +85252442900 / Whatsapp

email cs@coffee-justice.com 

Read More 參考及延伸閱讀



【專題籽】公平貿易不公平 外展教練推非洲小農咖啡豆  受訪視頻

【專訪】遠赴非洲搵農民交易 咖啡豆裡的公義——黃一龐

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